Next departure: April 10th – 21st 2026
The Cacti of Central/Northern Mexico
Mexico is waiting to be explored. This incredible country is home to the highest cactus species diversity in the world. On this trip, we will see all of the favorites; Ariocarpus, Lophophora, Astrophytum, Mammillaria, Aztekium, Geohintonia, Turbinicarpus, Ferocactus and Echinocactus. Other fascinating genera seen on tour include; Agave, Nolina, Echeveria, Euphorbia and a variety of Bromeliads. This active trip is designed for those that love to combine flora, fauna, geology, photography and walking.
Next Group Tour: April 10th – 21st 2026 – Contact us direct to book!
Featured plants:
Cactaceae: Ariocarpus: retusus, confusus, fissuratus,
kotschoubeyanus, scaphirostris.
Astrophytum: capricorne, coahuilense,
myriostigma, ornatum.
Aztekium: hintonii, ritteri.
Geohintonia mexicana.
Lophophora: diffusa, fricii, williamsii.
Echinocereus species. Ferocactus species.
Mammillaria species.
Pelecyphora: strobiliformis, aselliformis.
Strombocactus disciformis.
Thelocactus species.
Turbinicarpus species.
*OTHER EXOTICS: Arecaceae Brahea decumbens, Sabal mexicana. Asparagaceae, subfamily Agavoideae: Agave species. Asparagaceae, subfamily Agavoideae: Yucca species. Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae: Dasylirion species. Bromeliaceae, subfamily Hechtioideae: Hechtia species. Bromeliaceae, subfamily Tillandsioideae: Tillandsia species. Crassulaceae: Echeveria species. Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia cerifera, antisyphilitica. Fouquieriaceae – ocotillo family: Fouquieria splendens. Lentibulariaceae: Pinguicula species. Selaginellaceae: Selaginella gypsophila, lepidophylla.
Arrival and Departure
Airport details. Arrival: Mexico City International Airport. Departure: Torreón International Airport. It is recommended that you arrive at least one day before your tour begins. Please contact us if you have any questions about our tours or need assistance with planning.
To secure your group tour booking, please transfer 30% of the overall price via bank transfer (contact us directly for details) or alternatively via PayPal to Contact us directly for private tours. We are happy to split any bank transfer costs 50/50 with you. Complete and final payments are required no later than 60 days before your tour departure when we will also send specifications of what you need to bring for your trip. We look forward to seeing you in Mexico!
Tour Details
- Tour Interest: Cacti, exotic flora, geology, nature photography, culture and history
- Tour Type and Mode: Overland, all inclusive
- Tour Duration: 12 days – 11 nights
- Tour Dates: April 10th – April 21st 2026
- Difficulty: Easy to moderate. Activities can be adjusted depending on fitness level
- Best time to Go: April – June to see a variety of plants in flower
- Price: $4,150 per person for a group tour with minimum of four participants. Prices for private tours are based on group size. Larger groups reduce cost per person. Contact directly for pricing.